I finally launched the new site! It's taken a lot longer (a whole lot longer) than I thought it would but it's finally here. I'm curious to hear from my faithful readers on how they like it. Just drop me an e-mail with your comments. Just don't e-mail me saying you can't see the wedding portfolio. It's on my to do list and you know how long that can take. One day, I am going to implement a comment section on the blog. That's a whole 'nother thing that will hopefully add some more interaction with the site. In the meantime, take a look at the portrait portfolio and let me know what you think. I wanted to put a variety of pix so people know that they have options. I am trying to get some more environmental portraits so let me know if you'd be interested. San Diego's weather and location provides a lot of options!!!
In case you missed the update, the slideshows should be working in Firefox and IE. If for some reason you have issues with any browser, let me know and I will get on it. A big thanks to Rob for taking the time to help out with the problem.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Making Progress
Posted by Chris Taylor at 8:32 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Jake and the Ongoing Textures
Here's another shot of Jake while we were down in San Diego picking up some marketing materials. I meant to post this along with the bench shot I posted a couple days ago.
Posted by Chris Taylor at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: Family
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Finally Another Update
For anyone that checked in yesterday to see that I finally started posting again, thanks for hanging in there. Another month has passed and I finally got around to processing some more photos. Our little girl is definitely getting bigger. She had a doctor's appointment today and weighed in at a nice 10 lbs. 4 oz. Looks like Mama has been feeding her the good stuff. We ended up making the transition to formula on Saturday. It was kinda tough on Jess but I think she is enjoying the nights we have been having. Jess actually got a full night of sleep last night. I ended up staying up way late (a mix of working on photos and working on some upcoming features for the site) and I kept looking at the clock. Jayden was supposed to wake at about 2:00 for a feeding. 2:00 came and I continued to work. Then 3:00 came. Still no crying. Then 4:00 came and I finally crashed. I woke up at 7:30 and Jess asked if I had fed Jayden throughout the night. "Nope. I thought you woke up to feed her after I crashed," I said. Needless to say, a full night of sleep was definitely good for Mama. Anyway, enough of my rambling on. Let's good to the goods.
A full tummy makes for happy baby!
And now for one of the things I have been meaning to set up for a while: before and afters. Here is a before shot of my baby girl while sleeping (whoever said little girls sleep a lot more than boys must have been kidding). Anyway, I wasn't able to set up my lights (not enough room or time).
Some may wonder why it takes a while to process photos. I was reading an article last night on digital metamorphosis and it summed up some of the processes I go through once an image is opened. I go through a mental process of what I want the image to convey. This is the artsy part that is fun but can be frustrating. For this next image, I wanted to convey a night time sleeping shot. Could I have set up the studio lights to get the same results? The answer is yes, but time was the determining factor. So here is the final image...
I think I have found my next studio lighting project!
This next series was taken in the early afternoon. Jayden has really been smiling a lot lately and I finally got my camera ready for the action.
The next two shots were taken while Jess was feeding Jayden this afternoon.
Don't look at me when I'm eating!!! I'm picturing some Rage Against the Machine playing. Fight the power!
I still have a lot more stuff to post this month as the list up top has grown. So stay tuned in!
Posted by Chris Taylor at 9:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: Before / Afters, Family, For Photographer's
Monday, June 11, 2007
It's Been a Month...
...and I have neglected to update this bad dog. After a few e-mails and a few personal confrontations, I guess it's time to update some pix. The good news, I HAVE taken some new pix of my little girl. The bad news, I haven't processed them yet. They are sitting in their folder waiting patiently for me to get to them. I am almost finished with the re-design of the site, which has been taking longer than I expected. A lot longer. I finally purchased some software yesterday that should speed up some of my design issues, but I found out at about 4:00 this morning that Firefox and Internet Explorer don't want to play nice with each other. So the saga continues. Anyway, here is a pic of Jake that I finally processed last night.
Posted by Chris Taylor at 8:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Family