Thursday, July 17, 2008


After going to the Sallee's seminar last month and seeing some of their amazing panoramic shots, I decided to get outta my box and try some. The Sallee's have some great work. I went with the intention of getting some marketing ideas but learned so much more. The 5 hours seemed to fly and the Sallee's are really cool. A few of us hung out with them afterwards which was really fun. We had a chance to talk about various things and I was able to pick their brain a little more. Mainly I just listened. They had so much information to pass on. I have been really contemplating going back to school this last year to further my electronics career but I have passed that up so I can invest more time and energy into my photography. Going to seminars is one of my investments and it has paid off tremendously. I feel so much more comfortable on shoots than before and my photography is taking on a higher level.

I am in the process of designing an album of the kids and will be posting various images that are going to be in the book. This is one of the images. I have a spread that contains this image processed 3 different ways and it looks really cool. That was another thing that was reinforced at the Sallee seminar: shooting for the album. That's the 3rd seminar I have heard that phrase and you wouldn't believe how much it helps with "What should I shoot next?" I am learning more about going in with a page spread in mind so I can get the shots I need. Not every shot is thought of in that way. There are some moments, especially with kids, where you don't have the time to visualize the page. I'm just capturing the moments as they happen and sometimes the images will present themselves as I am going through the selection phase.

I hope you enjoy the photo and thanks for checking in.

Until next time...