Sunday, July 5, 2009

New Blog is Active

I've finally started adding more posts to the new blog. If you've entered my blog from my main website, you should have already seen the new posts. For those that are still reading this one, the link is here. I've also created a link on the sidebar on the right. I plan on moving these over but we'll see how that process goes. In the meantime, I will be adding my new posts to the new blog. Thanks for being patient.


Monday, June 22, 2009

New Blog Coming Soon

It's been a while since posting. Family/School/Work has been keeping me extremely busy and I want to reinforce the word "extremely." Another semester has passed. In that time, we took a trip back to Oklahoma to see my Dad and the rest of my family back there. It was an awesome trip and I do have some pix from there that I will post soon.

I finished up my advanced SolidWorks class. This semester rocked my world. I need to take my family to the Del Mar Fair (yeah I still call it that) to see if my final project got posted for public viewing. Work has been crazy busy lately. This is a good thing.

Besides that, I haven't shot too much. I did do a model shoot last weekend though. I have the initial JPGS but I need to finish the files before posting. I've also been trying to videotape the kids a bit more. Jayden is so cute right now. Her vocabulary is increasing at a staggering rate.

I have put down the XBOX360 controller and hung up a lot of my Halo 3 late nights so I can work on my guitar and my photography. I've also started working out again because of my fast food eating during the semester. 15 pounds comes on fast and I need to get back down.

That's about it for now for catching up. I will update again when the new blog has some content worth reading. Until then, I hope everyone is doing well.
